Thursday, August 11, 2011

How's Summer Going for Ya?

I get asked this everyday. It's a subjective question for me. Some days good, some days not so good. I will admit to you that summer sales are not what they used to be, not by any stretch of the imagination. I feel for what is happening out there, that I am doing as well as the ones that are doing something. I have had to really work hard coming up with a reason for people to purchase for me when there is such an influx of goods for sale. I have never seen so many choices in all my days.
 It's like taking someone out for dinner that has already eaten at home. There is almost no more appetite for things. Everyone is stuffed. Don't know if its my age, but it seems like I hear a lot of: "oh, I am trying to get rid of things, not collect them".
So, I cannot be just an artist anymore. I need to think about how they will choose my art over someone else's or the stores that are shelves and shelves of choices. (I am thinking Hobby Lobby, here, or Michaels, or Stein's.) 

My dad always said, "there is nothing new under the sun", well, I have to think of something. Myself, I am always looking for something I haven't seen before. How many times people come in my booth and say, "I have never seen anything like this"---at this point, that is a high compliment.
Well, I have just two more days to make something special for the weekend show in Green Lake.  This is always one show I look forward to doing because it is truly an Art Show and not a Craft Show. Certainly there are find crafts, but, I still consider them art, for instance, pottery. 
St. Germain Flea Market

 Of, course, although I love art shows the best, I have found a Flea Market that has been good to me. I used to be offended when people would refer to what I do as "going to flea markets" vs doing "art shows". They didn't know the difference, but, that made it even more offensive to me because it meant they didn't know how "valuable" (laughing now) my art is.......afterall, Flea Market sales are things you want to get rid of because you have no use for them, whatever would My Art have to do with that????
I will give you this: I am not mad if someone at a Flea Market asks for a "deal", I may not give it to them, but I understand their thinking. It's my fault that I am selling in that type of atmosphere. However, it is never good etiquette to ask for a "deal" at an art show, and you may get flogged if you do it......just sayin'.
Star Lake Train 1930's
I always get requests for train items. I made up a few yesterday. Today, I will have to get inspired for the next three shows, as I won't be home in between them. I am also doing the Paul Bunyan Art and Craft Show in Eagle River on Wednesday. It's always a good and big show. Plus I get to visit Soda Pops, one of my favorite stores in Eagle River.
Well, hope to see you at a show. Otherwise, visit me on Facebook at Shebrews Artistic Expressions.

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